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Welcome everyone and thanks for stopping by :)

SO, obviously this is my first blog, and it feels good to finally be doing it, when I say I have wanted to do it for a long time, I am meaning years.

However always put it off because I was really worried

A) about what people would think and B) really wondered whether anyone would be interested in what I have to say.

Now I am kind of just like hey, this makes me happy so here we are.

Before I dive in, this blog is going to be a lot of fitness, food, my dogs and just lifestyle because well thats what my life consists of.

But I figured I can not be the only one that sits here and goes, how the hell does everyone else do it, and wonder whether other people's lives are as frustrating, hectic, boring, crazy and annoying as my own. I have stumbled across a few other blogs and realised how much I truly enjoy seeing what other people have to say and their perspectives on life so I thought maybe someone would be interested in mine.

You are all in for a treat as you will get to follow me on my journey to my first season of competing in fitness competitions, currently 9 weeks out from my first show, all very exciting and terrifying all at once.

But if I can face my fears and do it, anyone can, so whatever it is that you want to do, dont hold back because I have come to realise how painful and lonely feeling unfulfilled is.

Take it one step at a time, start with something small and watch how your outlook starts to change, I know mine has.

Til next time,


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