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The pet effect 🐶

So, I am a dog lover, as in I have 3 haha.

Started with one then we got another and they had puppies (definitely not planned) and I fell in love with one of the little girls in the litter (again not planned) and it's nearly two years later- she turns 2 on the 1st of August- and the rest is history I suppose you could say. 

Well except for every time my husband cracks the poops because he has to clean up lots of poop in the back yard or he stands in it while he mows shit job 🙊- which I do actually do cos I do yard work being an independent woman and all that.

Anyway, yesterday Faith, the apple of my eye WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE! Every time I turned around I pretty much tripped over her and last night she literally sat at the bed her wet nose in my face whimpering because she wanted cuddles- tell her to go away- 2 minutes later she came back- after repeating this cycle I finally let her up because let's be honest I don't deny her much haha- see picture below to understand why 😍.

This got me thinking about perseverence and unconditional love.

Faith was rejected like a million times but was so focused on what she wanted that she kept trying and in the end she achieved her goal, and despite my constant irritation at her antics she still looked at me with so much love- this is why dogs rule!

But it made me realise, how often in life do we hit a speed bump or a set back and give up? Whether this be fitness related, relationships, work or just whatever goal we have really?

We as humans are so scared of rejection and criticism that we shy away from the slightest exposure. Trust me I was/ am still a bit the same, if I got the vibe someone didn't like me I didn't push, if I thought something wasn't going to work out I'd leave it alone. Did anything ever change- Nope! 

I came to realise the worst case scenario out of every one of those situations was just going to be a no, but the best case- gosh I can't even begin to imagine where I would be now if I wasn't afraid of a little rejection back in the day and had the perseverance to keep going- much like little Faith! 

Hell I wouldn't be married right now if my husband didnt believe "persistence is the key" it's like his favourite catch phrase. And not to blow his horn but whatever he decides to do, he usually does well at 🙄.

I guess what I am saying is that we have set backs in life, we all face rejection- remember that boy or girl you had a crush on when you were 6 and asked them to go out with you and they said no? Did it destroy you? Probably not, you probably dusted yourself off and went okay, plenty more fish in the sea sweetheart and swaggered off tightening your back straps on your bag and adjusting your broad brimmed hat.

You were resilient, until you grew up and started really worrying about what people thought and stewing on how badly rejection sucks- or will suck if you tried to do something and then you have what if's and regrets and those my friends are what nightmares are made of. 

So make today your b**ch and persevere with what you want. Say hey to that guy/ girl, walk into that job you want and tell them why you will be the best, apply for that course, get your ass into the gym and work it off because you are damn worth it!

Have a flipping brilliant day.



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