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When is the right time?

When is it the right time?

To take risks, to make change, to start over?

As I have come to realise- there is never a right moment, the perfect time. But there is timing.

We make excuses as to why we can’t achieve things, I am too busy, I don’t have the money, I don’t know how. Whilst we tell ourselves these excuses so much we start believing them- the difference between the most successful people and the ones who are waiting for the right time is that they may hear these excuses but they choose not to believe them.

I think a big part of overcoming these excuses- which let’s be honest stem from our insecurities is that we haven’t become clear on our why.

When I chose to get into bodybuilding my why became to become the best version of myself physically and that reason was so powerful to

me that I didn’t let anything stop me.

My why has changed a little now, I have a little girl and the reason I work so hard is to give her everything I can to ensure she never wants for anything.

The big BUT.

I am missing time- so much time.

7.30 am til 3.30 pm to be exact Monday- Friday.

So when I was given the opportunity to get time back and earn the kind of money that aligns with what I want for my family- I realised there will always be excuses I can make, or things that get in the way. However these won’t get me where I want to be.

So I ask you, is it the right time to start living the life you always wanted?

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